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Philthy McNasty Philthy McNasty is a male
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I am against the eye for an eye executions, but when u are talking about 250,000+ people then u deserve to die. There are only 4 other people who I believe deserved the death penalty: #1 Hitler - did it himself otherwise he would have been put to death,#2 Pol Pot - thought to be in charge of 1,000,000+ murders but died of old age, #3 Stalin - assassinated, and #4 Mussolini - executed in public. Now when u are talking about someone who killed a couple people robbing them or whatever, I think they should rot in jail not die. But when u bring such sadness to so many, death is the only answer. And imo Saddam got of light. I think they should have used the gas on him, that he used in the Kurd village that killed so many, or buried him alive like in the mass graves they found. U guys are only thinking of what he was charged with, but think of all the other bullshit that he did, and think was death not the only answer???

31-12-2006 23:02 Homepage of Philthy McNasty
ive just bought one of saddams old t shirts from e bay.

its a bit tight round the neck.
but hangs quite well
31-12-2006 23:13
on a serious note.

bush. blair, mugabe. kim jong il and many others have done just as much if not more killing of innocent people as saddam.

put them on trial.

This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by utter muppet: 11-11-2007 04:14.

31-12-2006 23:16
Philthy McNasty Philthy McNasty is a male
Florida DnB Masta!


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Are u kidding me??? Bush and Blair??? Now dont get me wrong Bush is BY FAR the worst president EVER!!! But what innocent people has he killed?? Just curious? And Blair follows the coat tails of the US and hasnt gotten his hands dirty at all. The only thing that the UK people have lost is ur privacy. Which so have we but not the the extint of putting cameras EVERYWHERE! I think u should rethink ur comments. Yes, oil is a major problem. But it had NOTHING to do with Saddam killing completly innocent people, just because of their race and creed.

01-01-2007 00:11 Homepage of Philthy McNasty
optikal_assassin optikal_assassin is a male
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Originally posted by MUNKI C
ive just bought one of saddams old t shirts from e bay.

its a bit tight round the neck.
but hangs quite well


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This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by optikal_assassin: 01-01-2007 00:17.

01-01-2007 00:17
edit* rant. pfff

This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by utter muppet: 11-11-2007 04:12.

01-01-2007 00:27
Philthy McNasty Philthy McNasty is a male
Florida DnB Masta!


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I think the war on terrorism is complete horseshit, and the more I see about 9/11 I think it was just a US morale booster, to get behind Bush to finish he dad's job. But about Saddam he started all this shit in 1991 with Desert Storm, he tried our (USA) patients after the US gave him all of his weapons, and Bush Sr. didnt finish the job. And then it was Clinton who by far was the best and most peaceful president., who put a stop to all the bullshit, and there was 8 yrs of semi peace. Then comes Bush Jr. who was just itching for a reason to get Saddam out of power, he wanted to finsih what his daddy started. Now to say that he has killed innocent people, is crap. I think most of the people who were killed in Iraq were holding guns, and shooting at US troops. Which isnt innocent killing. Now our halfass attempts at bombings, killed alot of innocent people, but Bush cant be solely pointed out for that. He doesnt have the insite to be that into military politics. He just pushes the button and listens to everyone else. So if thats the case then, we need to put all the military leaders of the US, and Bush on trial? I think u have no idea what ur talking about. And to call me a conditioned,naive,propaganda susceptible retard is even more bullshit. You have no idea, who I am or what I am about. I think the goverment, and politics are horseshit, and I have ever since I was in highschool. I never watch the news. So where were u going with ur shameless name calling??? U HAVE no idea what ur talking about. There is a lil special coming on the History channel, I think u should watch. It is a TURKISH documentary about all the toturing, and the gassing of that Kurd village, no US control over this lil documentary. It has REAL photos of dead bodies from those event. And Saddam had complete power over his military, George Bush does not. So come again with what u think I know, and dont know?? I am with u that this whole situation is bullshit, and I cant wait til 08' so we can have a new president. And hopefully it isnt John Edwards. A new president with a new outlook, and I promise u give the next president, a year, and all of the US troops will be out of there. I PROMISE U THAT! No one in the US wants this war, and oil isnt that important, to have 3,000 US soliders losing their lifes, because of it. So u just see.......to compare Bush and Blair, to a hands on in your face dictator like Saddam is the dumbest comment I have ever heard. That is like my Noisia bass sounds like Pendulum comment. NICE!!!! now I dont feel so bad, everyone says dumb things. You should rethink the harsh shit that comes out of your mouth sometimes also. You dont know me, to say what we are "supposedly conditioned/programmed to". Most of the US citizens arent that fucking stupid. Most of the people I went to school with totally disagree with everything the US is about, including me. So I think that makes u "naive", with ur stereotypical US thoughts and view, about how we all in the US are goverment programmed robots. Think again!


This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by Philthy McNasty: 01-01-2007 01:14.

01-01-2007 01:10 Homepage of Philthy McNasty
Originally posted by iKoN aka Philthy
. Now to say that he has killed innocent people, is crap. !

pffff. do you really believe that?

oh and to clarify i didnt say all americans are robots. just you Big Grin . most americans i know are pretty sound people.

im sorry but the reason the yanks went there was due to the supposed weapons of mass destruction. where are they??? they havnt been found - which means they had an ulterior motive for being there. and that means that a lot of innocent people were murdered basically trying to defend themselves from someone invading their turf.
01-01-2007 03:53
Muad'Dib Muad'Dib is a male


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Originally posted by optikassassin
Now I never really followed up on this much and I might not know what I'm talkign about, but judging by the US body count in the war now and how it's still climbing at a rapid rate, the whole execution is just going to boost our body count more. somehow i think.

Nobody made us go there and demolish the country. The 'terrorists' were a fake excuse to take domination of the oil and the territory, but after seeing that that people is hard and persistent, now they leave Confused bitches.

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01-01-2007 15:31 Homepage of Muad'Dib
Muad'Dib Muad'Dib is a male


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Originally posted by iKoN aka Philthy
And then it was Clinton who by far was the best and most peaceful president.

Yeah, but he had the enormous urge to pump. Big Grin

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There is no such thing without its opposite
-Bene Gesserit
01-01-2007 15:34 Homepage of Muad'Dib
Philthy McNasty Philthy McNasty is a male
Florida DnB Masta!


Registration Date: 23-07-2006
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Munki....are u a big David Icke fan. You have the same beliefs as him, minus the serpant order shit. My point I was trying to make, is that BUSH and BLAIR are puppets, and Saddam wasnt. Do u kill the puppet or the puppeteers. If we know who REALLY pulled the strings behind the president I would be all for putting him to death, but BUSH is just a face

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02-01-2007 00:14 Homepage of Philthy McNasty
lmao. actually david icke is a bit of a turkey. he had some interesting ideas but he kinda ripped off a lot of other people and put a new spin on it. but its really not got a lot to do with this.

tbh you cant definately claim that saddam was the puppeteer in the same way you say bush and blair are puppets. it makes no difference. they are the figureheads and they new what they were doing when they applied for the job.

the essential point is they hung a man for his attrocities as a leader. but to catch him they killed as many if not more innocent people as what he did, so that makes them as bad if not worse.
02-01-2007 18:30
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