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Registration Date: 17-10-2003
Posts: 20

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Hi there,

I'm Bong Selecta. Big Grin
I'm the recordselecting half of the Bong Brothers.
We mostly play ragga- and oldschool ('94-'95)-jungle.

If you like these styles and want to check some of our mixes out,
we have 4 available through www.mw-dnb.com and 3 through www.ragga-jungle.com.

Our most recent available mix is "RED STRIPE"

Available through www.mw-dnb.com. Wink

There's also three tracks by me you might want to give a listen:

Bong Selecta meets Papa Biggy - New Day Dawning

Bong Selecta meets Merciless - Gal Mix

Bong Selecta meets Elephant Man - War Mix

If you're gonna check some sounds please play them loud too loud for maximum joy!!!
And afterwards let me know what you think. Wink

Hereby ends this short n-troduction.

RRRespect all junglists and junglettes

Bong Selecta


17-10-2003 06:12 Homepage of bongselecta
drumnbass.be forum » Drumnbass scene » Drum-n-bass massive » Introducing