I am moving to Belgium |
Cool Steppa
Registration Date: 25-07-2003
Posts: 131
Hey all
Hoping a few peeps could give me some info...I am a 23 year old American who is moving to Belgium in September. I will be teaching English at the University in Antwerpen and hopefully perfecting my Dutch/Flemish...I had a few questions for the all of you:
Anyone know of any good DnB nights in Antwerpen/surrounding areas?
I DJ as well and will be bringing my vinyl along with me. Anyone have any idea of clubs or bars I might be able to spin at?
Do many top DJs come to Belgium or do they normally pass you by for the bigger countries?
Anyway, Im really looking forward to getting the hell out of this country and over to yours, and any information you can give me about my questions, or anything else you think I might find useful will be greatly appreciated...bedankt, en tot ziens
25-07-2003 06:13 |
Cool Steppa
Registration Date: 25-07-2003
Posts: 131
25-07-2003 06:15 |
Master Producer

Registration Date: 10-11-2002
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I'm from antwerp
but hey you got msn? maybe add me, we can chat about it! rather shitty typing it all down ya know
mine is beat_3000@hotmail.com

25-07-2003 11:39 |
The Robot

Registration Date: 04-11-2002
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quote: |
Originally posted by ripon
Do many top DJs come to Belgium or do they normally pass you by for the bigger countries? |
Oh, we get big names here more than you might expect. Seen the Full Cycle crew, Andy C, Teebee, EZ Rollerz, Marky (yuk), Suv, Ed Rush, )EIB(, Concord Dawn, ... al here in about 1 year's time, so, I don't think we have to complain a lot. Seeing Dillinja & Lemon D this monday (not that I really like 'm, but what the hell
PS: Welcome to the board mate!
__ "In dnb you should make people jump not swim"
- Pieter Frenssen 2004

25-07-2003 16:43 |
Cool Steppa
Registration Date: 25-07-2003
Posts: 131
quote: |
h, we get big names here more than you might expect. Seen the Full Cycle crew, Andy C, Teebee, EZ Rollerz, Marky (yuk), Suv, Ed Rush, )EIB(, Concord Dawn, ... al here in about 1 year's time, so, I don't think we have to complain a lot. Seeing Dillinja & Lemon D this monday (not that I really like 'm, but what the hell ) |
Oh thank god, I thought I was going to be out in the middle of nowhere for DnB...do they mainly come to Brussels or do they come to other cities too?...on the topic of Dilly and Lemon D, saw them about 2 months ago in Chicago, shook both of their hands after the show, their tunes sound a little repetitive when listening at home, but hearing them live they really got my ass moving!!
25-07-2003 17:05 |
Massive Junglism

Registration Date: 20-11-2002
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they play everywhere even in shitholes
technical itch is playing in a shithole most ppl have never even heard of tonight
there's tendays off techno going on now with big names in ghent,u got inside where a lot of names like matrix,hazard,alley cat,andy c,etc have played in brussels,
concord dawn,dylan,usual suspects have played in leuven,etc...
there's party's bout every week with allmost every weekend a big name
u don't have to worry mate
u'll b fine here

25-07-2003 17:10 |
Registration Date: 25-07-2003
Posts: 2
may I ask which university coz we got a couple in antwerp (antown if you wonna say it hip
I Live a couple minutes away from the main UFSIA building...
Not much to do in Antwerp dnb-wise these days... Sketch&Code, Black Sun Empire, Kemal, Dom&Roland, ... visited us in 2002...
Bambu (antwerp based crew) are organising the more "intelligent" dnb nights (genre Breakage, Paradox, ...) which are quite nice
25-07-2003 19:32 |

Registration Date: 06-04-2003
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I study at the univ. in the centre of antwerp... and got my decks there. You can always pm-mail for info. And have a nice staying here!

25-07-2003 21:22 |
Cool Steppa
Registration Date: 25-07-2003
Posts: 131
I will be teaching at the Hoger Instituut voor Vertalers en Tolken and living at Graaf van Egmontstraat 55 (or 50, I cant remember now), if you know where that is...good to hear someone has decks there, machakil, do you ever play out in or around Antwerp? Where do you buy vinyl from? Is there a shop/shops in the city?
26-07-2003 05:28 |

Registration Date: 01-11-2002
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BTW you don't have to restrict yourself to Antwerp parties, our country is very small and Antwerp is located in the centre of the country. Basically you can get to every city in the country in a drive of an hour or less
__ If you find spam on the site, please hit the button and select my name. I'll personally kick it to the murky depths of hell where it belongs!
26-07-2003 14:44 |
Cool Steppa

Registration Date: 16-11-2002
Posts: 221
quote: |
Originally posted by ripon
I will be teaching at the Hoger Instituut voor Vertalers en Tolken and living at Graaf van Egmontstraat 55 (or 50, I cant remember now), if you know where that is...good to hear someone has decks there, machakil, do you ever play out in or around Antwerp? Where do you buy vinyl from? Is there a shop/shops in the city? |
You can get your vinyl @
jj records in leuven
music mania in gent
fried chicken in gent
bam bam in antwerp
usa import in antwerp
and of course in brussel, bit don't know the names of the stores other people will know that here
Sex and drugs and drum and bass!!!
26-07-2003 14:47 |


Registration Date: 08-05-2003
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quote: |
Originally posted by ripon
I will be teaching at the Hoger Instituut voor Vertalers en Tolken and living at Graaf van Egmontstraat 55 (or 50, I cant remember now), if you know where that is...good to hear someone has decks there, machakil, do you ever play out in or around Antwerp? Where do you buy vinyl from? Is there a shop/shops in the city? |
cool , i live around the corner of HIVT and i will be going there starting next year (french/spanish , if you see a very tall redhaired girl it's me
, so prolly i will c u there , you can always adress me if you don't know any good parties for the weekend , i might introduce you to my brother , who's a party organiser , he's planning to do a dnb event somewhere end of this year/beginning next year with andy c , krust and aphrodite , the names aren't sure yet but that's the plan
mail me if you wanna know something more : squiddy84@hotmail.com
welcome to the board btw
__ Give it a try , don't be shy
Well you know you might like it
Never been to keen a timekeeper
But i'm a pure new pleasure seeker
26-07-2003 18:38 |


Registration Date: 08-05-2003
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you can also buy some vinyl at metrophone in antwerp (altho the selection isn't very big!)
__ Give it a try , don't be shy
Well you know you might like it
Never been to keen a timekeeper
But i'm a pure new pleasure seeker
26-07-2003 18:40 |

Registration Date: 19-11-2002
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sorry for the off topic , ill be heading same way as you basslicious but then in 2 years from now . for french and spanish ( go in frnech to school and live in spain )
welcome to the board !!
__ -Shape The Future-
27-07-2003 01:50 |
Big Bad Battyman
Registration Date: 15-11-2002
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hey ripon
belgium kicks america's silly pathetic butt when it comes to partying (i very much doubt that's actually true but hey, at least WE don't play the "hey look how cool i can stand against the wall"-game anymore
you shouldn't be limiting yourself to only antwerp parties dudeski, not very good for mental health, realleh, and hey, we're a small country, you can drive all the way to the coast, and then to the most southern point of the country and back in half a day (maybe a lil more ...) let alone getting to a party only two cities away ...
can't get ya into any clubs directly but we're busy with some more parties with dainjah.kru and are planning to get bigger in the (near?) future, so if you're in for a spin together when you get here, maybe we can check ya out and then maybe arrange something
__ It's a spiritual thing !

27-07-2003 04:14 |

Registration Date: 25-07-2003
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a lot of dnb stuff takes place in ghent, but that only a 1hour drive, definetly also check out the breakz.be site & forum, welcome to this small but exquisite country
__ The mysteries of the distorted snare...
Can't win if u don't play
02-08-2003 20:18 |
Cool Steppa
Registration Date: 25-07-2003
Posts: 131
Sorry voor de Nederlands, maar ik moet een beetje oefenen voor ik naar Belgie kom (een week nog!)
Bedankt voor de info, basslicious, machakil, -J-, enz.. hoe kan ik contact met jullie opnemen als ik er ben? Is PM best?
07-09-2003 23:15 |

Registration Date: 19-11-2002
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TRaduction : sorry for the dutch , but i've got to practise a bit before coming to belgium ( for another week !)
thx for the info , ( names ) .. how can i contact you guys when i'm there , is Pm best ?
tough job this moderating =]
__ -Shape The Future-
07-09-2003 23:22 |
Cool Steppa
Registration Date: 25-07-2003
Posts: 131
Thanks ZePain, like I said, sorry for the Dutch, but I need the practice, Im a little rusty...Big up for the translation!
08-09-2003 00:20 |
Cool Steppa
Registration Date: 25-07-2003
Posts: 131
Het Nederlands, and not de Nederlands...damn, I knew Id fuck something up. Shit
08-09-2003 03:36 |