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Azer Azer is a male
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For the Sistas amoung us on this board Big Grin

JUNGLISTIC SISTAZ is a data:base and platform for active women in drum&bass. This means that you can find profiles from a lot of females on this website who are either producing, djing, writing for magazines and websites, booking dnb-artists, singing, mcing, promoting parties or clubs, running record labels, doing the press for some labels, making photographs of artists or are graphic or webdesigners for drum&bass-related projects.
The main purpose of this project is very easy to describe: networking. The music scene and especially the drum&bass-scene is still very male-dominated and competitive. Only a few women made it to the top internationally, and the number seems to stagnate. Therefore it is often very helpful for women to exchange experiences and ideas on a platform, or start working on a project with some females from another country who they have just met via this platform. This is one reason why we are here.
Junglistic Sistaz is on the one side for the ladies, to communicate with each other; on the other side it has an additional representational function. It is a quality reference for women in drum&bass. You as a visitor of the site, flicking through the profile section, will notice that there are a lot of woman out there - in many different countries worldwide - who are active in the drum&bass-scene. This also means that drum&bass is already a global phenomenon, listened to by an incredible amount of people - whether it is in Puerto Rico, Latvia or Texas. Most of the women on this site don?t want to be something special or exotic, they just want the world to know that they are out there and say ?hi!?.
One of the project?s founder, DJ Shroombab, strongly believes in the importance and the success of this platform. ?I think it?s a good idea, I had it already in mind a couple of years ago. Then I got so much positive response from all over the world, and I think that there?s still a need for such a project.?
If you are a female activist and want to become a member, please contact:
info@junglistic-sistaz.com for further information.
The history:
Before this project was getting international, the JUNGLISTIC SISTAZ were a female drum&bass-crew from Austria. Shroombab & MC Terra organized their own clubnight called ?bass land? in Vienna, and due to their energetic and professional live-performances they had numerous bookings in whole Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and Hungary from 2000 till 2002. Sometimes they are still performing together in Austria, but whereas DJ Shroombab sees her future in the music scene, her heart devoted to drum&bass, MC Terra has mainly transferred her highlights of life into another direction. They both wanted this project to stay alive and the idea of an international platform came into existence. And here we are now??

so go and check http://www.junglistic-sistaz.com/

04-07-2003 14:35
Surya Surya is a male
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Wasn't Shroombab on breakz?

"In dnb you should make people jump not swim"
- Pieter Frenssen 2004

04-07-2003 23:29 Homepage of Surya
Azer Azer is a male
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Yeah, she is Shocked

05-07-2003 13:09
debaser debaser is a male


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great site ! idd , Shroombab

so ... Lady Lite ! where is ur profile Wink

Unlike Stephen Hawkins, my fantastic brain is also trapped in a fantastic body!

12-07-2003 15:09

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This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by d0000b: 08-02-2010 23:31.

02-10-2003 11:16
Azer Azer is a male
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Originally posted by d0000b
Imagine an international crew only for men. You would hear those girls screaming "sexist bastards" from blocks away.
But if it's a crew only for girls it should be ok?



are you gay or something? and a crew that won't allow women to join are sexist bastards. imo he Wink

02-10-2003 15:15

Registration Date: 12-03-2003
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This post has been edited 2 time(s), it was last edited by d0000b: 08-02-2010 23:30.

02-10-2003 18:17
Pablex Pablex is a male
Massive Junglism


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i think it's just cause of the fact women are a lot less representing
the possition of the women in this "society" still isn't what it should be
it's kind of a "girl power" site


02-10-2003 20:01
Emblem-X Emblem-X is a male
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Imo it's no problem having a guys or girls only kru... but being so proud about it and shouting it out like on every forum seems somehow wrong to me...



03-10-2003 07:01 Homepage of Emblem-X
Azer Azer is a male
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Originally posted by d0000b

girls excluding boys = ?? (lesbian Roll Eyes )

I think feminist is a better word Big Grin

03-10-2003 11:41
Wicked Producer


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Originally posted by Pablex
i think it's just cause of the fact women are a lot less representing
the possition of the women in this "society" still isn't what it should be
it's kind of a "girl power" site

Girl power my ass!! Women are lot less represented in politics also. And still they want as many women as men to b elected Roll Eyes

Its all bullshit! There are not as many female amateur dj´s, so why should there b as many proffesial ones? Make a talented crew, and that is what is should b all about, not bout your gender!!!

Every monday from 200h00 till 22h00! Check --->

03-10-2003 12:31

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This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by d0000b: 08-02-2010 23:28.

04-11-2003 17:35

Registration Date: 25-11-2003
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ok... i was searching google for discussions about our platform and this thread bumped up.

i am not sure if all the "haters" that answered to this thread also read the text that was posted in the first post.

junglistic sistaz is definitely NOT a crew - it is not more than a data:base.... a data:base with names and profiles from quality drum&bass djs, producers, graphic designers. a crew would mean that all the artists listed in it, from dj storm, robyn chaos, shroombab, adi-j, nexxi, are related to each other, know each other, and are representing one common goal/aim. but within this data:base there are women from all styles of drum&bass - from hard, dark, jump up, liquid, soulful, experimental - whatever, as long as they are on a QUALITY LEVEL. this is what the project is about.... providing a data:base for quality djs/producers/activists. the sex is - you won't believe it - a secondary issue. hardly anybody in the data:base promotes herself as a "female dj", and hardly anybody in this data:base gets her bookings from being female, but because of her talent.

the website is currently under re-structure, will be updated soon with some new features... (message board/a working news sections for ALL artists, etc.).

NOBODY at this website, and especially not "founder" shroombab, have EVER mentioned that there should be a 50:50 percentage of female/male djs at parties.. or something similar. that would be absolutely rubbish/stupid, and this "hardcore feminism" is definitely NOT what we @ junglistic-sistaz.com represent/want. all we provide is a data:base for active junglettes on a quality level to spread ideas, and "represent". for us @ junglistic-sistaz.com, it is always sad when we see/hear a female dj playing out that is not able to mix properly, because this woman puts a bad light on EVERY female dj then. we try to be very selective with whom we add and we definitely do not add anybody who just started....

actually, i dont think that there would be a problem if somebody else did the same (making a data.base)with male junglists, but probably this data:base would EXPLODE because the number is just 95% bigger.

some other general facts about gender, that have nothing to do with the data:base itself, just of general thinking in people's minds and some good points why this data.base has its right to exist...

- most of the drum&bass message boards are VERY sexist, indeed. to talk about shagging bitches and posting pictures of half-undressed women, making jokes about women that cannot drive cars properly and should spend all day in the kitchen, can nearly be found at EVERY board and are definitely sexist. as a woman that is NOT a bitch, only looking for a shag, but as a woman who is SERIOUSLY into drum&bass, the music, and not just the boys, you do not feel very comfortable between this. that's why there should be a room / space in the internet, that is simply free of this stuff.

- also at nearly every drum&bass-related message board, topics like "where are the female djs/producers?" occur from time to time. the data.base just shows that there ARE around.

- it is a fact, that drum&bass is one of the few styles in electronic dance music that has a really LOW number of female activists. in house, electro, techno the number of djs (well-known and unknown) is much higher, and female djs are well-respected in these scenes and booked as often or little as their male counterparts. inside drum&bass culture, you can count the females that are well-respected for their skillz on one single hand, and you will not even need five fingers (e.g. - dj rap - she is better known for her career as a porn model than for her mixing skillz, you cannot deny that, can you?!). the drum&bass scene is ways more macho than any other electronic dance music scene (and i do NOT talk about the music now, only about the scene). at MILLIONS of parties, the number of the blokes who attend parties, is much bigger than the number of girls (not everywhere, i know, and not always, i know, but generally there is this tendency).

- there is definitely a lack of female role models for the girls in the drum & bass scene and being a female in the scene, still means to be something "exotic" (i am not talking about promoting yourself as a "female dj", but from the crowd, female djs are always regarded as "female djs", not as "djs")... statements like "for a women dj you are really well-skilled", "i did never expect a women to play such a hard & wicked set!", "for a women you did quite well" - are still very common and no exceptions.

as long as this thinking is there, a data:base like ours can exist. whenever the time comes, and it will be just "normal" to see women behind the decks, and nothing "special", the need for a data:base like ours has faded away.

- some more questions to think about/get aware of :

* when you think of your favourite dj / best dj - how many of you think of a woman first?

* how many women have been on the covers (or have got top-billings) of magazines/web-zines like knowledge, atm, dogs on acid throughout the last few years? (compare the percentage... -> and -> i do definitely NOT implizit that there should be a 50/50 exposure)

* how many female djs do you know personally that are well-skilled?

* for the promoters: how many of you would consider to book a woman dj, solely of the fact that you know that she is a wicked, well-skilled dj? (one more statement i heard quite often throughout the last years: "yeah, we would definitely book women, if there would be any around that are good enough to play at our night")

* for the djs: how many of you would tell a woman that just finished an amazing, wicked, mixing-wise absolutely well-skilled, set with an unbelievalbe tune selection that she played a really wicked set? (and how many of you would be really jealous about this and would not recommend her, out of the fear that she could get more exposure than yourself?)


i could go on for ages... but i decided to stop here right now. i think i made my point.
25-11-2003 02:24 Homepage of sista
basslicious basslicious is a female


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Originally posted by sista
- most of the drum&bass message boards are VERY sexist, indeed. to talk about shagging bitches and posting pictures of half-undressed women, making jokes about women that cannot drive cars properly and should spend all day in the kitchen, can nearly be found at EVERY board and are definitely sexist. as a woman that is NOT a bitch, only looking for a shag, but as a woman who is SERIOUSLY into drum&bass, the music, and not just the boys, you do not feel very comfortable between this. that's why there should be a room / space in the internet, that is simply free of this stuff.


hey sista , don't you worry 'bout this one , it's a very female friendly board Bigup
i totally support this initiative , some friends already told me about it , gonna check it out for sure one of these days Big Grin


Give it a try , don't be shy
Well you know you might like it
Never been to keen a timekeeper
But i'm a pure new pleasure seeker
25-11-2003 09:43 Homepage of basslicious
Pablex Pablex is a male
Massive Junglism


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Originally posted by sista
- some more questions to think about/get aware of :

* when you think of your favourite dj / best dj - how many of you think of a woman first?

-not me,but dj rap will be in my top 10,just not my most fav. one

* how many women have been on the covers (or have got top-billings) of magazines/web-zines like knowledge, atm, dogs on acid throughout the last few years? (compare the percentage... -> and -> i do definitely NOT implizit that there should be a 50/50 exposure)


* how many female djs do you know personally that are well-skilled?


* for the promoters: how many of you would consider to book a woman dj, solely of the fact that you know that she is a wicked, well-skilled dj? (one more statement i heard quite often throughout the last years: "yeah, we would definitely book women, if there would be any around that are good enough to play at our night")

-i would,i tought about a "woman night" with the intention to show people,and mostly sexist guys that there ARE good female dj's

* for the djs: how many of you would tell a woman that just finished an amazing, wicked, mixing-wise absolutely well-skilled, set with an unbelievalbe tune selection that she played a really wicked set? (and how many of you would be really jealous about this and would not recommend her, out of the fear that she could get more exposure than yourself?)

-when we were preparing everything for our last party i pushed my girlfriend to give it a try and she really amazed me,out of four mixes she did only one was bad,two were pretty good and one was right on the beat,i think if she continues she can really do something with it,she've done something after 10 minutes what i couldn't do after a couple of weeks

i could go on for ages... but i decided to stop here right now. i think i made my point.

you made your point,but it's just in men's nature to think the woman is a lower creature,got nothing to do with dnb in my eyes

at least we're not into rnb it would be worse Wink


25-11-2003 12:33

Registration Date: 25-11-2003
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hehe, thx.

i know that i made some generalisations and there are always people who think differenly.
25-11-2003 13:56 Homepage of sista
ZePain ZePain is a male


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Originally posted by Pablex

at least we're not into rnb it would be worse Wink

and why is that ? , I cant seem to understand your point with this exemple , which is kinda stupid , dont you think ?

-Shape The Future-

25-11-2003 17:12
ZePain ZePain is a male


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Originally posted by sista
hehe, thx.

i know that i made some generalisations and there are always people who think differenly.

I'm on the same wavelength baby Big Grin Tongue ( nothin sexist to this line ) Cool

I understand it perfectly , dont think that way at all , I have a wikkid female friend who turns much better than some guys I know , not the same style , but respect !

-Shape The Future-

25-11-2003 17:16
Emblem-X Emblem-X is a male
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thx for clearing this out! Wink Big Grin

welcome btw Bigup

cheerz emblem


25-11-2003 17:19 Homepage of Emblem-X
Azer Azer is a male
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Yeah welcome Bigup

I support good female dj's 100%, why not support anybody who's got talent!! that's why I posted it in the first place ;-)

25-11-2003 20:53
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