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Go to the bottom of this page Nxt3p #003 Out Now !
Bez Bez is a male


Registration Date: 11-04-2003
Posts: 13

:: NXT3P Magazine Issue 003 ::

- Klute
- Optical
- Anakyne
- Magnet Design
- 4 Hero
- Future Prophecies
- Fernanda Porto & Mad Zoo
- and many more.....

out now!
08-06-2003 19:13
psychomat psychomat is a male
Cool Steppa


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Posts: 221

Where can you order them magazinezzz??? Confused

Bigup Big Grin Sex and drugs and drum and bass!!! Big Grin Bigup
08-06-2003 19:19
suvcycle suvcycle is a male
jungle boy


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too bad it's in Frensh Frown

some run from the big guns,
some just run from the sound
08-06-2003 19:29
psychomat psychomat is a male
Cool Steppa


Registration Date: 16-11-2002
Posts: 221

Merde, are their any other good dnb magazinezz is belgium. What are good dnb magazinezzz worldwide?,

Bigup Big Grin Sex and drugs and drum and bass!!! Big Grin Bigup
08-06-2003 21:29
Scion Scion is a male
The Noize Squad


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Just go to the International magzine store on the Meir in Antwerp (near the Belgacom store) or on de melkmarkt there's a shop that sells a lot of magazines, guess there is a DnB magazine too (but damn expensive).

Power to the peaceful
08-06-2003 21:47
Emblem-X Emblem-X is a male
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Originally posted by Scion
Just go to the International magzine store on the Meir in Antwerp (near the Belgacom store) or on de melkmarkt there's a shop that sells a lot of magazines, guess there is a DnB magazine too (but damn expensive).

guess they only got knowledge mag... not worth buying imo... the web has more to offer...

cheerz emblem


08-06-2003 21:56 Homepage of Emblem-X
Bez Bez is a male


Registration Date: 11-04-2003
Posts: 13

NXT3P magazine is in french but it's free !
And not difficult ot understand for a dutsh!
08-06-2003 22:56
Scion Scion is a male
The Noize Squad


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I've got no prob with reading it. It's good actually, now I keep up with my French which ain't bad. It's just hard to find down here! I've read the Andy C one which I got @ massive junglism in Leuven thanx to Sarge, and I went like Shocked ...
But since I'm on 'kot' in Antwerp it's hard to get... Does anyone know where you can find it there?

Power to the peaceful
08-06-2003 23:00
Surya Surya is a male
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To me reading french is like reading chinese or something like that... To me it makes no sense at all...

"In dnb you should make people jump not swim"
- Pieter Frenssen 2004

08-06-2003 23:03 Homepage of Surya
Pablex Pablex is a male
Massive Junglism


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i found the mag in jj once,since the distibutors host it on a lot of parties i don't think it's going to b difficult to find this edition Wink
other good dnb mags:
knowledge mag
atm(no site)


08-06-2003 23:36
psychomat psychomat is a male
Cool Steppa


Registration Date: 16-11-2002
Posts: 221

found my copie @ last full cyle party in Ab

Bigup Big Grin Sex and drugs and drum and bass!!! Big Grin Bigup
09-06-2003 00:45
Bez Bez is a male


Registration Date: 11-04-2003
Posts: 13

made my own copie :p
09-06-2003 02:00
Azer Azer is a male
Easy Player


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nice Bigup
don't care if it's in french when the articles are good

09-06-2003 13:22
Bez Bez is a male


Registration Date: 11-04-2003
Posts: 13

no problem coz they are good! Smile
09-06-2003 21:10
drumnbass.be forum » Drumnbass scene » Drum-n-bass massive » Nxt3p #003 Out Now !