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drumnbass.be forum » Drumnbass scene » Drum-n-bass massive » Looking for a Genie set- AKA Nabih B from the Womb cerca 2000
Go to the bottom of this page Looking for a Genie set- AKA Nabih B from the Womb cerca 2000

Registration Date: 16-06-2005
Posts: 1

Hey All,

I know this is a long shot and I am not even sure if this is the right place to be posting. In any case, as you can tell from my efforts this set is amazing. It is a chill / ambient drum n bass set from 2000 or 2001. I have heard nothing like it since. If you know where there is an archive available please let me know. I have contacted the DJ himself but he has since stopped spinning and is living in the middle east.

Please for the love of god,
16-06-2005 00:48 Homepage of megaplow
drumnbass.be forum » Drumnbass scene » Drum-n-bass massive » Looking for a Genie set- AKA Nabih B from the Womb cerca 2000