compare your track to a pro track which you like the sound of and run em both through metering/ analysis programs and try and look where certain sounds sit in the mix and what frequencies they cut through at + the shape of the spectrum analysis curve, i.e the power of the low end/ high end etc
Originally posted by sephiroth
compare your track to a pro track which you like the sound of and run em both through metering/ analysis programs and try and look where certain sounds sit in the mix and what frequencies they cut through at + the shape of the spectrum analysis curve, i.e the power of the low end/ high end etc
I cant agree more than this,its one of the simplist and most effective ways of feeling how your track is gonna sound,
And also try and produce with your ears and not your eyes!
to much production atm is done with analizers and all that "cut to 200hz" bollocks,
The best tool you have for you music is your ears,so use em!!
Originally posted by philbee
And also try and produce with your ears and not your eyes!
to much production atm is done with analizers and all that "cut to 200hz" bollocks,
The best tool you have for you music is your ears,so use em!!
Yes!! Totally agree.
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compare your track to a pro track which you like the sound of and run em both through metering/ analysis programs and try and look where certain sounds sit in the mix and what frequencies they cut through at + the shape of the spectrum analysis curve, i.e the power of the low end/ high end etc
I understand what you're saying here... but what are you specifically looking for when looking at the two waves?
compare your track to a pro track which you like the sound of and run em both through metering/ analysis programs and try and look where certain sounds sit in the mix and what frequencies they cut through at + the shape of the spectrum analysis curve, i.e the power of the low end/ high end etc
I understand what you're saying here... but what are you specifically looking for when looking at the two waves?
couold you recommend any programs too?
no spectral analysis. the one that shows the volume at differnet frequencies. then you see the "pro mix" and notice the difference.
example you might see the pro mix has less high end past 5khz, then yours, or that they have less lower mids at 200hz. then adjust it. either you can do it as an EQ over the whole mix (not suggested) or find that was causing too much and reduce it using a Parametric EQ (suggest way).
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Originally posted by cynik
if feeling mentally down, lay some lavender under your pillow. in the morning you will feel fresh, ready to take on the challenge called life