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Philthy McNasty Philthy McNasty is a male
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Whats up all! Been a long time since I have posted something, been busy working and doing the dad thing. I still have been making tunes, but dont have enough time to finish a tune, just lay things down, and go back and tweak every now and again. Anyhow, I have come to the point with Acid Pro that it just doesnt have the proper UI for me to get the full sound and good control that I would like. So what program do you guys think I should switch to, besides FL. I more or less have been thinking Reason, but I want to know from you guys, once figured out, how user friendly is the UI and once you get the hang of it does it have good easy sound manipulation? Let me know!

Much Respekt as always!

12-09-2008 03:11 Homepage of Philthy McNasty
Sentinel Sentinel is a male
Mr. Grumpy


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0oh ...

I like Reason.

The interface to me is simple as it reflects a hardware rack, front and back.

Also no bloody windows everywhere for each device like FL, cubase etc ...

All on one scrolling screen.
Everything can be closed up, hidden etc ...

Only real downfall is no VsT support which you can bypass via ReWire through whatever other DAW you have that supports them.

Plenty of sound tweaks on Reason too - Combinator is a really good device that lets you combine as many devices as your cpu can stand ( before blowing up ) into one massive patch.



12-09-2008 03:39 Homepage of Sentinel
Ketz Ketz is a male
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Reason 4 head here as well Big Grin I'm sure you'll keep hearing people banging on about it, the all in one package thing, for me personally once i got my head round the basics of routing the various instruments up (not rocket science, input goes to output lol!) its great, and i have started rewiring with Cubase, with the aim to eventually move more towards Cubase

Give it a shot mate! each to their own but i find Reason nice to work with, very biased opinion by me ofcourse (only reason i didn't talk about FL is cuz u said apart from FL - soz FL users! Tongue only playin!)

Edit - I've been hearing good things about Ableton, haven't used it myself but i know a few peeps who use it and their stuff sounds phat, not sure if thats cuz of the DAW or jsut the fact that its a good producer! Big Grin


This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by Ketz: 12-09-2008 11:28.

12-09-2008 11:27 Homepage of Ketz
Sentinel Sentinel is a male
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Isn't it also said that the music that comes out of the DAW no matter the DAW is as professional as the producers skills can muster !?


12-09-2008 12:55 Homepage of Sentinel
Krisch Krisch is a male
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Another reason 4 userSmile
Reason is very simple, user friendly stuff imo. It wasnt too hard to learn for me.
Then i've tried out a few DAWs and i found all of them too complicated. Tbh i didnt make so much effort on learning them because im happy with reason (and im too lazy to doSmile ) just wanted to try something different.
Apart from reason my favourite was ableton maybe because i used it more then others.
I think u should to try out a few and use that one which u liked the mostBig Grin
12-09-2008 13:51 Homepage of Krisch
c_ctrl c_ctrl is a male
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Tried Cubase, didn't like it. FL studio didn't cut it for me. Reason looks too... scary. Tried logic at uni and woah. I found my software of choice. I don't know why more people don't use it. I kno u gotta have a mac but once you do it's pretty cheap in terms of what ur gettin!

DeCode & Roary Soundcloud
13-09-2008 02:56 Homepage of c_ctrl
thechronic thechronic is a male


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Seeing as you are used to working with Acid, I would suggest to switch to a program that also uses the horizontal scrolling timeline interface with all audio tracks lined out vertically. You will waste very little time learning a new program if it works like this.

That basically rules out Reason Devil

I have no preferences for certain pieces of software by the way, but Reason just seems to be a giant leap of faith from what you are used to. Better take a look at Cubase, Ableton, Pro Tools or FL.

If you find spam on the site, please hit the button and select my name. I'll personally kick it to the murky depths of hell where it belongs! Devil
13-09-2008 03:41 Homepage of thechronic
Sentinel Sentinel is a male
Mr. Grumpy


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Originally posted by thechronic

That basically rules out Reason Devil

Damn you Chron damn you ! :shakefist: (where's a shakefist smiley when you need one ?)


There's too many FL users on here already !
Cubase not sure and ableton is one in a hundred or more probably !

We need more Reason heeds ! Tongue

Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

Uncle Reason needs you ! Devil


13-09-2008 05:18 Homepage of Sentinel

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Originally posted by thechronic
Seeing as you are used to working with Acid, I would suggest to switch to a program that also uses the horizontal scrolling timeline interface with all audio tracks lined out vertically. You will waste very little time learning a new program if it works like this.

With a few tweaks reaper can behave a lot like acid.

13-09-2008 19:17
BattleDrone BattleDrone is a male
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I'm an FL person and probably will always be that way.
Reason is something special, the gui is different form the rest and you can't use other instruments than the one that are already in there.
But look at the advantages: you have a guarantee that everything works well together, the offered instruments are very good and best of all: When you want to collab with another Reason user you'll never encounter the issue of a missing plugin when loading the project of your buddy....

Anyway, FL is the shit for me!

Check my soundcloud (exclusive tracks on there)
13-09-2008 20:19 Homepage of BattleDrone
Sentinel Sentinel is a male
Mr. Grumpy


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no BD mate Reason is a pain in the arse for collabs too.

True about the instruments and all that and some rns files can have the samples, patches embedded but you can't embed files from ReFills unless you have a dodgy piece of software to do so and even then it's no guarantee as said program isn't that reliable it's the only one of its kind and it's BETA so not all files will extract and it has lots of bugs (minor & large).

Collabs only work well if the users have the same ReFills on there computers in exactly the same folders as the other.

Otherwise you have to manually add|search all the samples|patches into each device.

0ok ! Huh


13-09-2008 20:27 Homepage of Sentinel
m-ej m-ej is a male
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ez m8,
if you where an acid pro head try looking at ableton live, the audio editing is basically the same, with a lot more control.
i had sony acid back in the day, and the jump to ableton live 5 wasnt hard at all.
live's on board sampler is really good, plus the new drum rack in live 7 is just a joy.
its worth getting hold of the demo and playing around with it.
we need more ableton heads out there in dnb land.
(im using live 7 with reason 4 rewired).

m-ej is taking a few steps back from forum life.
13-09-2008 23:32
Surya Surya is a male
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oi loik reason tuu

"In dnb you should make people jump not swim"
- Pieter Frenssen 2004

16-09-2008 07:29 Homepage of Surya
djfreemc djfreemc is a male


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Definately check out ableton live. If you don't get the hang of it right away, there are some great tutorials in the help files, and it just offers a lot of flexibility. You can actually try out buildups and song structures on the fly, which no other DAW can do (as far as I know).
The drum racks in live 7 are great. I used to work in pretty much the same way for my drums in FL, but it always took me 20 minutes to link all the channels and stuff, now all it takes is just one click!

The mysteries of the distorted snare...
Can't win if u don't play
16-09-2008 21:12 Homepage of djfreemc
the moneyshot the moneyshot is a male
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i used to use acid and switched to cubase. it wasnt easy but its well worth it. cubase sounds fresh. reason sounds really good but just looking at it is hard work. its but ugly.
21-09-2008 07:43
drumnbass.be forum » Production » Software » Changing software???