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drumnbass.be forum » Production » Production questions & answers » What kinda waves do you use? Square, saw...
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secondopinion secondopinion is a male


Registration Date: 02-04-2008
Posts: 37

hello just wondering what waves some of you lot use when making sounds
been sodding around with synthesis for so long now and wondered what works best for you when you creating your sounds?
me i like saw and square with a tiny amount of pink noise to give it a bit of dirt.

also what is the synth that always gets turned on first on your system the one you couldnt live without? mine has to be z3ta or albino 3

do too many cooks spoil the broth or make more of it?
19-06-2008 10:29

Registration Date: 16-06-2007
Posts: 14

i usually use a combination of saw and sine waves usually band pass my saws
and low pass my sines or sometimes i might use a triangle instead of a sine if i want a bit more harmonics
i find saws better for gritty basslines but i have dabbled a bit with square waves if i want a bit of womp
19-06-2008 14:40
carmod carmod is a male


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mainly saws and sines for my subs
05-07-2008 00:26
Sentinel Sentinel is a male
Mr. Grumpy


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Trick question !?

Depends on the sound you're making doesn't it !?

I use all of them ... - With a side order of filter cutoff and modulation.

Mostly saw and sine waves but occasionally square & triangle.

In Reason I use the Malstrom more than anything, - Still learning Thor.

Apart from that I like z3ta and Massive.



05-07-2008 01:52 Homepage of Sentinel
drumnbass.be forum » Production » Production questions & answers » What kinda waves do you use? Square, saw...