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drumnbass.be forum » Drumnbass scene » Drum-n-bass massive » Randall`s set form J-TEK Records London Launch 18/04/08
Go to the bottom of this page Randall`s set form J-TEK Records London Launch 18/04/08


Registration Date: 19-09-2007
Posts: 40

Randall`s set form J-TEK Records London Launch party + J-TEK MP3004 +Pyro Radio show

Its that time again!!! J-tek digital 004 OUT NOW !!!! exclusively at www.dto4music.co.uk

**NEW** J-tek mp3 004 - "Acid Drop" - Outrage + "2012" - Modular OUT NOW

J-tek mp3 001 - "Utopia" - Outrage + "The Gladiator" - Modular OUT NOW
J-tek mp3 002 - "Jungle Dub" and "Dark NRG" - Modular OUT NOW
J-tek mp3 003 - "Listen" and "Street Music" - Secret Society OUT NOW

RANDALL J-TEK LONDON MIX - RSS FEED - http://www.dto4music.co.uk/CnuMMxxPodcast234/podcast.xml

RANDALL J-TEK LONDON MIX - DOWNLOAD LINK - http://www.dto4music.co.uk/CnuMMxxPodcas...rty-Randall.mp3

Here are the rest of the sets from Herbal J-tek launch london incase you didnt get em first time round !!!

Outrage and Modular + MC`s Double + Robbie Dee - http://www.dto4music.co.uk/CnuMMxxPodcas...eandModular.mp3
Digital + MC Moose - http://www.dto4music.co.uk/CnuMMxxPodcas...l-dto4music.mp3
Secret Society + AST - http://www.dto4music.co.uk/CnuMMxxPodcas...cretSociety.mp3

We have been invited to do a guest show on the ONE and only Pyroradio on bank holiday Monday 26th of May 9pm -11pm Outrage + Modular will be hosting and droppin some exclusive, never heard b4 BOMBS!! www.pyroradio.com

Round 3 of the J-tek launch tour this Friday 23nd of May 2008 @ The Wire Club in Leeds !!! Hooooo !!!

Heres a taste of whats in store - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTv38L75S5w&feature=related

Come say hello hooooo www.j-tekforum.co.uk


This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by AST@Backlash: 22-05-2008 21:00.

22-05-2008 20:59 Homepage of AST@Backlash
drumnbass.be forum » Drumnbass scene » Drum-n-bass massive » Randall`s set form J-TEK Records London Launch 18/04/08