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drumnbass.be forum » Drumnbass scene » Drum-n-bass massive » J-Tek Recs 002. Kirsty Hawkshaw, Digital, Modular + Outrage
Go to the bottom of this page J-Tek Recs 002. Kirsty Hawkshaw, Digital, Modular + Outrage

Registration Date: 26-04-2008
Posts: 1


Release date in June 2008 !!!

With a label like J-Tek it only makes sense for nostalgic anthems like “Fine Day”, a smash hit in 1992 by Opus III, to get a 2008 revamp. The strange thing about considering this a 2008 revamp is the fact that this could have easily been tagged “1993 hardcore mix” and one wouldn’t be surprised by the output. Classic melodies, hypnotic drums and warm vibes provide the perfect sonic bed for Kirsty’s subtly-soaring vocals. With an appropriate title like “Fine Day” it’s more than just that! Having the added bonus of Outrage and Modular’s bass driven beats mixed in, this “fine day” quickly becomes superlative. To contrast side A, Outrage and Digital bring the darkness with “Made In England”. Relating it to a day of madness set to bouncing drums and dark side nastiness this tune doesn’t disappoint one bit and the works of Outrage and Digital are exemplary. With all of the quirky, aggressive, mutilated sounds that arise from today’s Drum & Bass scene, it’s good to know that capable producers are revisiting that bloodclat Jungle Tekno!!

Words: khal

Audio here - http://www.myspace.com/jtekrecords

J-Tek mp3 001, 002 and 003 OUT NOW only at http://www.dto4music.co.uk

14-05-2008 03:41
drumnbass.be forum » Drumnbass scene » Drum-n-bass massive » J-Tek Recs 002. Kirsty Hawkshaw, Digital, Modular + Outrage