dnb article (dutch) |
Cool Steppa

Registration Date: 29-09-2003
Posts: 157
friend of mine send me this 5 min ago...
just read it for yourself and let know what you think abou it...
at first i thought, what a frustrated jerk... is he living in the past?? who is he to judge dnb if he's like everything was better in the past... how can he not see the innovations made today as in the new subgenres that are created (latin, tech, trance flavoured...)
biut then i had the discussion with a friend of mine who's not all the time in dnb and he sad; "in fact the influences in dnb today aren't really innovations, there more a going back to other genres, not really new stuff, things already done but not in dnb. so can we still call it new??
and now i don't really know anymore what to think...
i just know, i never loved dnb more than today and i never had the " everything can and is allowed" more than today. there's an audience for almost everything...
tell me wath you think

30-11-2003 17:05 |
Big Bad Battyman
Registration Date: 15-11-2002
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just a frustrated jerk, there's plenty of quality shit on the market + on the "streets"
it's music, and music should be listened to, should be enjoyed and should be used to put on when you're having a hot date
you got to make music to keep it intresting for yourself if you find yourself at a moment where you say aah fuck this shit i already heard it a thousand times, ...
but the last thing you gotta do is get frustrated and write a very poetic article about how you think it's all going downhill, cause it ain't ...
__ It's a spiritual thing !

30-11-2003 17:34 |
The Robot

Registration Date: 04-11-2002
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I was always dissing other genres for not renewing themselves.
But if a genre has EVERYTHING you want it to have, why would you want it to evolve, maybe in something you like less? Untill now most of the evelution in DnB is indeed that it gets influences from other genres and these are indeed not very original things in fact, but I don't care, as long as I like the music!
Drum 'n' bass is now going thru the same way of evolution as house music did years back, but at much higher speed, and thus new subgenres are created. I hope most of them are here to stay, coz I like most of them.
Not being original hasn't to be a bad thing, why change a winning team?
__ "In dnb you should make people jump not swim"
- Pieter Frenssen 2004

30-11-2003 17:57 |
Wicked Producer

Registration Date: 25-07-2003
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First off all, I gotta say that it is very nice written... Like the style off it allot.
On the other hand. I might agree with him
It is not really innovating as it used to b... But then again. Why should it?
It is indeed going trhu an evolution like house and techno and all others used to have... What is so wrong about that? Some subgenres will die, others will continue to split up and grow further.
Still I gotta say that DnB and subgenres (from liquid lounge till Ragga breakcore and shizzle) is the most renewing off them all.
Since I was interested in music and electronic music I was wondering what the next step in musical evolution would b... Still Haven´t got any answers on it, but I guess it will last a long time before the next musical revolution. Till that day all retro and new styles will b re-used and re-re-used...
But it won´t take my love for music away... Not in a million years
__ Every monday from 200h00 till 22h00! Check --->

01-12-2003 10:04 |
Wicked Producer

Registration Date: 25-07-2003
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Some little extra thought...
Where was music 100 years from now? Classical concert where the shizzle maybe Jazz and other styles. But look where we are now. When you think off that, where so you think we will b in 100 years? or maybe within 50 years? Will it still b sex drugs and rock and roll?
__ Every monday from 200h00 till 22h00! Check --->

01-12-2003 10:06 |
Cool Steppa

Registration Date: 29-09-2003
Posts: 157
quote: |
Originally posted by D-Lux
Some little extra thought...
Where was music 100 years from now? Classical concert where the shizzle maybe Jazz and other styles. But look where we are now. When you think off that, where so you think we will b in 100 years? or maybe within 50 years? Will it still b sex drugs and rock and roll? |
asked myself the same question too, but then more of a personal poitn of view; what music will i like in let's say, ten years... will i still be into dnb or will there be a new genre that's the shit for me? who knows? i don't wanna know, i just want to grow into it... (it will just be a pitty for all the records i bought :d)
the last couple of years a lot of genres appealed to me (going from hard rock to techno and hip hop) but none lasted as long as dnb, so we'll see
and about the topic; i'm really wondering what a real innovation is then? (if influences by another genre aren't...) what was so innovation 'bout the dnb round '96 that dnb hasn't got today? (i can see why the early-early dnb is innovating)
if there's one periode of dnb i don't like its the round the period when i started buying vinyl (3 à 4 years ago). if i listen to the records i bought back then...
they aren't all bad you know, if just "re"discovered some i hadn't heard in al long time, but a lot of them are nnot that good, maybe o just bought the wrong records but it was the period that most people/mags said dnb was dead...

01-12-2003 10:18 |