it seems like 170 seems too slow, 160 isn't even dnb.
true but if you change the perception of the speed by focusing on ghostkicks , ghost snares and ghostrolls you can make it sound like 180 or more (when you start with lets say 176)
i don't change the tmpo of the song unless it's for effect, pickig the speed up slightly doesn't pick up energy as easy as just picking up the volume
, and mostly i'll just goto halph-time and make it sounds all "gangsta hip hop" or whateer and then go back to double time with more inbetween hits, making it sound 4x faster. works good without fucking up the rhythem.
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everyones got to start somewhere, we all had to research or ask at some point, we werent all born with 170-180 installed into our brains lol. i tend to work with 180 or 182 bpm. i spose with alot of sets nowadays are probably playing around 180-185 bpm so anything below 180 seems too slow where as in reality they arent
Yeah, but you can make really fast feeling in a track of 160 bpm with many sounds and ghost hits which can be heard clearly enough, and when you speed it up at 180, it actually slows down (in feeling).
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175-180 for most, but lately any erm, 'projects' of mine (when I actually work on anything) are around 186.
Might slow back down again as I like clarity in breaks.
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Originally posted by Glim
i make tunes at 178bpm anything upwards is too fast, just don't feel right, edits and fills loose their impact.
i hate hearing mixes that are 180+, too hectic..
Totally agree!
Originally posted by Philbee
174 bpm all the way atm,
just don't feel right, edits and fills loose their impact.
And again!
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In my opinion every track has it's own "natural" BPM and key note, when I am close to finish the track I usually try to find the right balance.
I don't like how the drum rollls sound above 175 bpm, specially if you have some groove in the beats the slower makes the better.
In my opinion those who really speed up their track to "get more energy" don't really know how to fill up their tracks. You can make a heavy track on 160bpm, if you fill it up properly.
some "new school players" tend to play way above 180, which becomes sounding just too uptight. for me the upper limit lies somewhere between 182 and 185 yet my own favourite is 172.